Postal News

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Postal Call-In Procedure Number

The USPS call out number, also known as the USPS employee call in number is TTY 866-833-8777 for the hearing impared or 1-877-477-3273

Welcome to the Postal call-in page. We provide an online source for postal employees to use for unscheduled absences. We are not affiliated with the U.S.P.S., we simply provide this page for your use. We hope you get well soon! Thankyou for using our USPS unscheduled leave phone number

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Tags: Postal Attendance Numbers, USPS Unsceduled Absence, unsceduled leave request for post office, USPS call off numbers, Postal call in number, number for post office attendance line, usps call in number, USPS call in sick number, USPS emergency employee number, USPS attendance control number, Post office sick number, Postal sick call number,employee call-in procedures,